- CAT: Credit Accumulation and Transfer
- CHE: Council on Higher Education
- HEQC: Higher Education Quality Committee
- HEQSF: Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework
- NLRD: National Learners’ Records Database
- NQF: National Qualifications Framework
- QC: Quality Council
- RPL: Recognition of Prior Learning
- SAQA: South African Qualifications Authority
The overall mark for a particular subject is calculated from the student’s aggregated performance on formative and summative assessments in a particular subject.
Refer to the Programme Fact Sheet and the Student Information and Rulebook for the overall mark required to pass a module.
The BMH Student Information and Rulebook contains the general rules of the Institution that apply to all registered students and is aligned to the requirements for public information as per the requirements of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (as amended), specifically Regulation 24 (as amended) of the Regulations for the Registration of Private Higher Education Institutions, 2016, 2002 and the Institution’s internal quality management system (QMS).
Boston allows students with completed credits from recognised higher education institutions in cognate (or similar) subjects to apply for credit transfers. Credit transfers will only be considered if accompanied by full academic records with a statement of satisfactory or good conduct from the previous institution. Students interested in applying will be considered individually by the Office of the Registrar. Where applicable, application may also be made for credit transfer between Boston qualifications or for credit accumulation within a Boston qualification.
- Chief Executive Officer – A.Z. Katz
- Financial Director – C.L. Stollard
- Managing Director – S.J. de Roos
- Director – Dr. H.J. Botha
- Director – Dr. D.E. Damons
- Resident Director – L.M. Banda
- Head of Institution & Academic Head – Dr. H.J. Botha
- Registrar – Lizel Badenhorst
- Academic Co-Ordinator – Carike Verbooy
- Branch Manager (Sandton) – Carike Verbooy
- Branch Manager (Pretoria) – Taryn Steenkamp
- Branch Manager (Durban) – Brett Langton
The Institution recognises the rights of all individuals, including those with disabilities. It is the responsibility of a disabled applicant to declare his/ her disability before registering to ensure that proper support is available as facilities vary between campuses.
Learner complaints and grievances must be lodged, and will be processed, according to the procedures of the Institution. If you submit an academic appeal or you are found guilty of a disciplinary offence you should follow the internal procedures for those matters prior to the drafting and submission of a formal complaint or grievance. All matters other than academic appeals, disciplinary procedures and requests/suggestions can immediately be processed as complaints or grievances as per the procedures set out under this section.
Your complaints and grievances must be lodged with the Head of the Institution (as a representative of the management of the Institution) and may also be lodged with the Registrar of the Department of Higher Education for purposes of notification, if you so wish. You must, in the first instance, categorise your complaint in relation to the following institutional categories:
- Quality of teaching and learning
- Quality of facilities
- Quality of general service delivery
- Assessment judgments/outcomes (Only after the internal adjudication of an academic appeal against an assessment outcome)
- Disciplinary sanctions (Only after the internal procedures for minor or major disciplinary offences have been completed)
- Refusal to write examinations
- Certification
- Refunds
- Fees
- Closure of the institution without informing learners
- Unfair business practices
- Contravention of the Bill of Rights as promulgated in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa
- Other.
Set out your complaint or grievance in a straightforward written narrative supported by any evidence that has a direct bearing on the complaint or grievance. After an investigation of the complaint or grievance, the institution will respond in writing, addressing the specifics of your complaint or grievance and any evidence that has a direct bearing on the complaint or grievance. In the event that the learner (the complainant) and the management of the Institution are unable to reach a mutually acceptable resolution, then the Institution will submit to the Registrar of the Department of Higher Education:
- A copy of the original letter of complaint
- A copy of the Institution’s written response to the complain
- A report citing the reasons for the non-resolution of the grievance or complaint and details of further action(s), if any, contemplated or undertaken by the learner or the institution.
The Registrar of the Department of Higher Education may, at her discretion and depending on the circumstances of the complaint, refer the Institution to the consumer protector or to any other organisation or agency for further advice and investigation.
You should also be aware that if a dispute cannot be resolved by mechanisms internal to the Institution (e.g., arbitration) or by the consumer protector or another organisation (if the matter is so referred by the Registrar of the Department of Higher Education) your ordinary legal rights in the South African legal system remain unaffected by any of these processes.
Boston Media House has lecture rooms, technical laboratories, a student information centre and a library on each campus. The library offers assistance and facilities to students for research as well as limited guidance in academic writing and academic literacy.
Fees and charges including refunds in the case of deferral, cancellation or withdrawal are set out in the Student Information and Rulebook as well as the Registration Contract. Additionally, our registration counsellors are available for assistance if required.
Boston Media House is committing itself to invest in the future of South Africa by partnering, financially, with prospective and current students. This investment will mean that prospective and current students enrolling in any of our sought-after higher education qualifications taught by lecturers who have many years of experience in their fields on offer at Boston Media House will get a chance to pursue their dreams and take ownership of their futures. Boston Media House will invest a percentage of the fees for our higher education qualification – Diploma in Media Practices – and students will be required to contribute the remaining fees (with flexible payment options).
Thus, a subsidy of up to 27% is realised for new and returning students. At Boston Media House, we believe that our investment in students with an NSC (Diploma or Degree endorsement) applying for our higher education qualification – Diploma in Media Practices, – will get students to the starting line where we know they will show their grit and reach their dreams and make an impact on South Africa.
Boston Media House understands that funding a higher education qualification can be challenging to many students and their families. We therefore provide a range of fee payment options to ensure that you realise your dreams of a media career. Please consult with a student registration counsellor to discuss the fee payment plan that suits you best. A limited number of bursaries are also made available by the Institution through various channels. Again, our student registration counsellor can offer you advice on any bursaries that are available. Bursary opportunities awarded by the Institution usually require the student to have completed the first year of study so that there is a clear academic and behaviour track record upon which to base our bursary decisions. The option is also available to approach credible lending financial institutions. As an accredited and registered Private Higher Education Institution, Boston students may apply for a student loan at any of South Africa’s retail banks.
Boston Media House has implemented guidelines and procedures for safety and security according to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993). Every effort is made to avoid any incident or tragedy on campus and to ensure the continued health and safety of both staff and students. In the event of an incident, it is essential that students are aware of the guidelines concerning safety and evacuation procedures.
For the Post-Schooling Sector, HIGHER HEALTH has a dedicated 24-hour toll-free helpline for addressing the mental health and psycho-social support needs of students and staff:
- Toll-free call 0800 36 36 36
- SMS 43336
Boston Media House aims to produce well-rounded graduates, we support our student’s academic growth and achievements and also care about their personal well-being and development. Boston Media House offers all registered students free psycho-social counselling. The Boston Media House Student Wellness module on the Learner Management System posts great tips and advice on how to make your time as a student at Boston Media House a productive and healthy experience.
Minimum is one (1) subject per semester; this will ensure students remain academically active. The maximum number of subjects you can take in any one semester is dependent on the number of credits per subject. It is not recommended that students take in excess of seventy (70) credits per semester.
For the number of credits per subject see curriculum above.
- Lectures for Semester 1 commence on the 19th of February 2024.
- Lectures for Semester 2 commence on the 29th of July 2024.
Boston Media House (Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 2002/026252/07 is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), as a private higher education institution until 31 December 2024. Registration Certificate No. 2008/ HE07/007. The following programmes are accredited by the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC) of the Council on Higher Education (CHE):
- Bachelor of Business Administration in Media Operations Management (BBAMOM2) (SAQA ID 90664, NQF (HEQSF) Level 8, Minimum Subject Credits 491 plus 5 Due Performance (DP) Credits at NQF Level 4). Site of delivery: Sandton (No new / 1st year admissions from 2022). DHET Amended Certificate of Registration: Boston Media House (Pty) Ltd must phase out pipe-line students by 31 December 2025.
- Bachelor of Business Administration in Media Operations Management (BBAMOM1) (SAQA ID 90664, NQF (HEQSF) Level 8, Minimum Subject Credits 498 plus 5 Due Performance (DP) Credits at NQF Level 4). Site of delivery: Sandton (No new / 1st year admissions from 2020). DHET Amended Certificate of Registration: Boston Media House (Pty) Ltd must phase out pipe-line students by 31 December 2025.
- Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Journalism (BABJ1) (SAQA ID 111434, NQF (HEQSF) Level 7, Minimum Subject Credits 395. Site of delivery: Sandton. (No new / 1st year admissions from 2024).
- Diploma in Media Practices (HDIPMP3) (SAQA ID 83166, NQF (HEQSF) Level 6, Minimum Subject Credits 374, plus 5 Due Performance (DP) Credits at NQF Level 4). Sites of delivery: Sandton, Pretoria and Durban. (No new / 1st year admissions from 2024 at the Durban site of delivery).
- Diploma in Media Practices (HDIPMP) (SAQA ID 83166, NQF (HEQSF) Level 6, Minimum Subject Credits 362, plus 5 Due Performance (DP) Credits at NQF Level 4). Sites of delivery: Sandton, Pretoria and Durban (No new / 1st year admissions from 2020).
- Diploma in Radio and Television Production (HDIPRTP1) (SAQA ID 111133, NQF (HEQSF) Level 6, Minimum Subject Credits 384, plus 5 Due Performance (DP) Credits at NQF Level 4. Site of delivery: Sandton. (No new / 1st year admissions from 2024).
International students who want to enrol for Higher Education studies and who do not hold a South African school leaving certificate must present a Grade 12 equivalence verification with endorsement for admission to Bachelor’s degree study from the South African Matriculation Board. The Matriculation Board can be contacted on +27 87 138 3001/2 or +27 10 591 4401/2 or
For more information visit or apply online at
Students who have qualifications from international higher education institutions must present an equivalence certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) which can be contacted on +27 (0)12 431 5000 or visit All enquiries related to the evaluation of international qualifications are to be referred to the Contact Centre using the contact details:
+27 (0)12 431 5070 or apply online at
Also, international applicants may be required to provide proof of proficiency in English (TOEFL score of 550, or IELTS overall band score of 6.0.) prior to admission to the qualification.
English is the language of communication, instruction and assessment at Boston Media House. Notwithstanding the Institution’s appreciation of the rich value of multiculturalism in South Africa and its impact on educational language policy, the Institution has selected a single language in terms of its language policy since it would be impracticable to select more than one language, given the small size of the Institution.
Programmes are accredited in the contact mode of delivery, which is a mode of delivery characterised by face-to-face lectures with additional independent learning taking place in completing reading, projects and preparations for assessments. Note as per CHE Communiqué 5 of 2023: extension of the concession to institutions to continue offering programmes accredited for the contact mode to be offered in the distance/blended mode for the 2024 academic year.
The Institution has no formal partnership agreements and is not affiliated with any third-party entities. Media industry relations are advocated to promote graduates’ successful integration into the world of work.
The Institution respectfully acknowledges all other religious and cultural holidays but only grants officially sanctioned South African cultural/religious holidays as public holidays.
Once the Registration Contract has been signed, the account payer becomes liable for the full academic fees for the twelve (12) month period of the registration. Refunds may be requested by making the request in writing, supported by an explanation of the circumstances leading to the request for a refund. The Institution considers refund requests on a case-by-case basis and it is at the absolute and sole discretion of the management of Boston Media House to agree to a refund.
When you register at the beginning of each academic year, a Registration Contract (i.e., the enrolment contract) must be completed online and agreed to by the student, their legal guardian (if necessary), the account payer, and the person providing financial surety for those paying the tuition fees over a period of months. The Registration Contract is a legally binding document and is restricted to a twelve (12) month cycle (at a time). Should a student wish to de-register within the twelve (12) month period, they may do so. However, no refund or cancellation of the tuition fees – whether paid or not – will be made or agreed to respectively.
Boston admits a small number of students through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Applicants interested in applying through RPL will be considered individually by the Office of the Registrar.
The office operating hours of the institution are as follows:
FRIDAY 08H15 TO 15H30
The Institution reserves the right to schedule academic and non-academic activities on weekends and in the evenings if so required. The Institution operates for progression counselling, remedial academic interventions and psychosocial referrals. Students can contact counsellors and lecturers during their consultation times at the branch where they are registered. a minimum of 30 academic weeks each year, divided into two semesters of two terms each. Term dates are published under the academic calendar section in the Student Information and Rulebook.
Boston Media House has appointed qualified and experienced lecturers and support staff to provide suitable support to learners. Student support services typically include career counselling, academic counselling, academic progression counselling, remedial academic interventions and psychosocial referrals. Students can contact counsellors and lecturers during their consultation times at the branch where they are registered.
Applications are open all year round.
Visit to apply online.
When you are accepted you will be required to register online. In order to register you will need to complete the ‘Online Registration Contract’ and pay the registration fee and first instalment or deposit. The closing date for registration:
• All registrations for semester 1: 17th of February 2024.
• All registrations for semester 2: 27th of July 2024
Assessments are submitted online on the Learner Management System, ColCampus or students are required to complete their assessments at the campus where they are registered. Assessment submission instructions are published in the assessment brief.
Boston Media House has appointed qualified and experienced lecturers to deliver and assess the learning. Students can contact lecturers during their consultation times at the branch where they are registered for academic assistance.
Boston will provide all prescribed textbooks, course outlines and timetables for each subject. Therefore, there will be no requirement to purchase any additional prescribed materials for all of the compulsory subjects. Personal stationery, however, must be provided by the student.
Boston recognises the need to deploy whatever reasonable measures necessary to obviate any negative impact on academic provisioning that might attend the invocation of the Disaster Management Act (Act No. 57, 2002), or any other act, and the consequent gazetting of regulations. While Boston will attempt to minimise disruption to academic services, this could result in changes to academic calendars, procedures, processes, services, etc., all of which will be communicated to students and relevant stakeholders.
This Prospectus was accurate at the time of publication. Boston Media House (Pty) Ltd reserves the right to alter any of the content due to changes in regulations, programme updates, market requirements and other reasons. Please note that meeting any of the admission requirements does not necessarily guarantee entry into a qualification. All applications will be evaluated on an individual basis and acceptance will depend on the decision of the Academic Management Committee