BMH Blog

Facing those first year fears

Those nerves you get just before your first day of varsity are not only normal but a pretty good sign that you’re up for the challenge!

When we say nerves, here’s what you can expect…

There’s no doubt that varsity is more academically challenging than high school. Your workload will increase, assignments are tougher, and you’ll really need to engage with the subject matter. This doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to struggle through – What it does mean is that you’re transitioning to a more challenging educational environment with new and different demands.

Time management and being self-directed are two major challenges most students face when transitioning from high school to varsity… We’ve got some time management tips right here on our blog!

Approaching a lecturer may seem like yet another daunting tertiary-related obstacle, but you’ll quickly discover that Boston Media House lecturers are rather nice and very approachable 😉
Simply ensure that you know your lecturers’ consultation times, make an appointment and meet to chat about potential problems you might have.

Firstly, please know that you are not alone.
Most first years are in the same position but your future network of varsity friends awaits none the less.

Networking tips:

  • Attend orientation – this prepares you for class and it’s a great opportunity to meet other first years
  • The first few weeks of class also create moments for making connections with other students
  • As you attend your first classes, introduce yourself to the person sitting next to you
  • Don’t rush off straight after class ends, try to stay and have lunch with a new friend
  • Don’t wait to be invited or introduced… take the first step

Homesickness is a common first year experience. This blog post has some insight on surviving your first year away from home.

The simplest solution to this problem is to ask someone to teach you or show you how to cook simple meals, operate a washing machine, buy the correct washing powder etc. You can do this before you leave for campus or you can make new friends with other students who have these skills.

This is a concern for many students, not just first years. Studying is expensive and the spending doesn’t stop at tuition fees. Knowing how to budget and manage your money is an important life skill, we’ve got some blogs on budgeting.

You’re already in the right place, just by visiting this blog! This blog is here to assist with information and assistance regarding a variety of interpersonal topics.

You can also visit our Need Help link for a list of support services and material.

Alternatively, Boston Media House offers free counselling to all registered students.



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